OHF Cares Third & Fourth Quarter 2022

For our 2022 third and fourth quarter giving with OHF Cares, we were able to provide OHF grants for two incredible organization! We’re excited to re-introduce to you  Cherish Our Children and Naomi's House. These organizations have received OHF grants in the past, and we are honored to support them again.

We were thrilled when Cherish Our Children applied for another OHF grant! This nonprofit organization, based in Houston, Texas, is dedicated to helping children of incarcerated parents. This grant from OHF Cares will go directly to the programs like GEMS (Gaining Empowerment in Middle School) and No More Victims (working with high school students). Both of these programs aim to help break the cycle of intergenerational incarceration. With more than 125,000 children of incarcerated parents living in the Houston Metro area, what a great need they are meeting as they help the next generation of kids beat the odds! Cherish Our Children shows students that the past doesn't have to define their futures.

Everything that Naomi’s House (NH), a Chicago-based, Gospel-centered nonprofit, does begins with this belief: Every woman who has suffered from commercial sexual exploitation deserves a new start. Through a residential program that later transitions women into independent living, NH offers hope and healing to victims from Chicagoland and beyond, providing individualized, trauma-informed care over the course of 15 months. With a desire to equip women with everything they need to get back on their feet, the organization focuses first on addressing the struggles of their heart and mind, introducing them to their true Hope, Healer, and Provider as well as their infinite worth and flawlessness in the eyes of Jesus Christ. This biblical message underpins every part of NH’s program which involves meeting physical, emotional, and practical needs via group study, life-skill training, goal-planning, job preparation, employment, education, mentorship, and therapy.

Like we said, these nonprofits are most deserving. It is through your loyalty to Orleans Home Fragrances that we are not only able to continue making the products you love, but also help these incredible organizations serve those in need, often at a larger capacity, through grants. On behalf of Cherish Our Children, Naomi’s House, and our entire team, thank you so very much!

And don't forget, we're always open to organizations you think we should support next! Email us about the 501c3 organization that is important to you. Tell us why we should give back to them specifically. Each quarter we'll pick a new one, and they'll have the potential to receive $500-$5,000! 

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