OHF Cares 2022 First Quarter Giving

We are thrilled to share with you the recipients of our first quarter of OHF Cares giving in 2022! Each quarter, we take nominees from you, our amazing customers, of non-profit organizations around the country. Then our team selects from the nominations and awards these non-profits up to $5000! This quarter, we have two incredible organizations to tell you about!

First, we have WayForward Adventures! Created by Todd Pinkston and Alex Knoop, this nonprofit organization serves adults through guiding backpacking trips in Colorado. During their trip, individuals explore their identity in Christ to further discover who God has made us to be. A few of the owners of OHF have been on WayForward trips and have come away refreshed and built amazing friendships on the trail. We are grateful for the work that WayForward does and are thankful to be able to support their efforts!

Our second recipient this quarter is Training Centers for Church Planters (TCCP). This organization helps church planters around the world through training and support. Their funds go directly to the field to spread the Gospel, build leaders, and plant churches. This quarter, the funds given by OHF Cares went directly to the specific needs of the church in Ukraine. Because of the vast needs of refugees during this tumultuous time, the funds were able to help Ukrainian refugees’ most immediate needs. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Ukrainian people, and all the people affected by the current crisis in that area.

Do you have a nonprofit organization you want to nominate to be our second quarter OHF Cares recipient? Please click here to learn more!

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