OHF Cares 2021 Third Quarter Giving

Orleans Home Fragrances is excited to tell you about two amazing organizations we were able to support with our Quarter Three giving through the OHF Cares program. Re:new Project and Embrace Texas! Both of these organizations were nominated by you, our Orleans Home Fragrances customers!

Re:new Project, founded in 2009, is a faith-based, Christian, nonprofit organization that serves refugee women resettled in and around Dupage County, Illinois. Founded in 2009 by a team of Christian women that embraced a mission of creating a space for refugee women to thrive. Re:new Project represents a tangible way to serve refugees in response to biblical teachings to show God's love to those in need, such as the widow, sojourner, and oppressed. In partnership with local churches, Re:new provides a space for community members to build relationships with refugee women, learn about the challenges refugees encounter in the resettlement process, and live out their faith and love for Jesus Christ by serving refugee women. 

For over a decade, Embrace Texas connects willing hands with opportunities to serve children in foster, adoptive and kinship care. This nonprofit organization has provided life-changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. These services are provided at no cost to the families served. By partnering with Embrace, we are helping children lingering in the foster care system find the love and stability of a forever family, and also helping to provide care to foster parents through respite care, support groups, and valuable training. 

Each quarter, OHF Cares selects nonprofit organizations to receive up to $5,000 in grants! Want to nominate your favorite nonprofit for a future OHF Cares grant? Email us and include the organization you want to nominate along with their contact information. We are so grateful for the opportunity to give back to organizations that mean so much to our customers!

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